Coronavirus Ribbon

Coronavirus Ribbon

The white COVID-19 ribbon was created to give support to healthcare and essential workers, and to provide awareness to people suffering from this terrible virus. There are numerous ribbons that have been created to signify various causes. This white coronavirus ribbon will signify the COVID-19 pandemic and allow us all to show our support. The ribbon pin can be attached to any clothing using the included clutch pin. Each ribbon comes with the text shown: COVID-19 We Care!

See our page titled "Awareness Ribbons" to see a full guide to awareness ribbons and details of many diseases such as cancer, breast cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other diseases.

The coronavirus ribbon is made with a white color. Of all of the possible awareness ribbon colors, white was chosen carefully to represent the medical community and patients that have suffered the virus. The ribbon can be used as a charity ribbon, for charity fundraising ideas, fundraising ideas during COVID, cheap fundraising ideas, unique fundraising ideas, corporate fundraising events, fundraising events for schools, and for family and friends.

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